Cloud Marketplace Management
Custom pricing
Cloud Marketplaces
tooltip image Cloud marketplace of your choice in your selected plan. Additional cloud marketplaces are chargeable available as Add-ons (see below).
fr image fr image fr image
Any 1
Any 1
All 3
All 3
Number of listings
Supported listing types
tooltip image Saas, Container or Professional Service. Container listing has extra surcharge
All 3
All 3
All 3
All 3
Branding customization
tooltip image Your Branding customization on Registration landing page and email communication with your customers
- -
check image
check image
Labra Platform user seats
tooltip image Number of team members with access to the Labra Platform
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Marketplace revenue
tooltip image Is there any eligibility to have up to this much amount of MRR on that Marketplace to qualify for this plan?
No restriction No restriction No restriction No restriction
Contract renewal
check image
check image
check image
check image
Contract upgrade
check image
check image
check image
check image
Usage metering
tooltip image For SaaS listings, meter based on users, hours, usage, and other custom dimensions.
check image
check image
check image
check image
Buyer insights
check image
check image
check image
check image
Revenue analytics and insights
Marketplace events notifications
tooltip image Pro includes advanced buyer lifecycle event-based notifications.
Platform implementation
Monthly Private offers creation
Monthly Public offers creation
Monthly Channel Partner Private Offers creation
Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
check image
check image
check image
check image
Google and Microsoft
Google, Microsoft and Custom
APIs & Webhooks
check image
check image
check image
Slack integration
check image
check image
check image
check image
Customer success manager
check image
Support availability hours
Mon-Fri, 8 AM-4 PM PST
Mon-Fri, 8 AM-4 PM PST
Mon-Fri, 8 AM-4 PM PST
Mon-Fri, 8 AM-4 PM PST
Response time (Mon-Fri)
Within 72 hrs
Within 48 hrs
Within 24 hrs
Within 4 hrs
Communication channels
Email and Online chat
Email and Online chat
Email, Online chat and Virtual meeting
Service status notification
tooltip image Includes uptime, degradation, and incident notifications
check image
check image
check image
check image
These optional add-ons can be purchased with an extra cost
Usage metering automation (API-based)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
check image
check image
Self-hosted registration landing page
tooltip image Simplify new user flow and handle user
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
check image
Additional Private offers created per month (pack of 50)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
check image
Additional Channel Partner Private Offers created per month (pack of 50)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
check image
Additional cloud provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
check image
Additional listing
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
check image
Marketo integration
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Labra Co-pilot App for Salesforce
fr image
tooltip image To sync and manage your private offers from your Salesforce CRM.
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
check image
Salesforce user seats
Additional Salesforce user seats (pack of 5)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Implementation or customization hours
tooltip image Salesforce Co-pilot App Implementation/customization hours per Cloud provider
Additional implementation or customization
tooltip image Additional Salesforce Co-pilot App Implementation/customization available at a fixed hourly fee per Cloud Provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Labra Co-pilot App for Hubspot
fr image
tooltip image To sync and manage your private offers from your Hubspot CRM.
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
check image
Hubspot user seats
Additional Hubspot user seats (pack of 5)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Implementation or customization hours
tooltip image Hubspot Co-pilot App Implementation/customization hours per Cloud provider
Additional implementation or customization
tooltip image Additional Hubspot Co-pilot App Implementation/customization available at a fixed hourly fee per Cloud Provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information

*billed annually

Cloud Co-sell Management
Custom pricing
Cloud provider
tooltip image Co-sell management on any one cloud, additional cloud provider available as add-ons (see below). Support for Google Cloud coming soon.
fr image fr image fr image
Any 1
Any 1
Any 1
Opportunities created per month
Auto create and auto update
tooltip image When cloud providers send a co-sell opportunity, OppSync automatically converts it into a referral and saves it. Similarly, if any update occurs on that referral, it automatically updates the corresponding opportunity on either side.
check image
check image
check image
Launching opportunity
tooltip image Once a co-sell opportunity gets closed, you can launch it from OppSync only. This elimnates the need to visit the Cloud providers's partner portal.
check image
check image
check image
Auto accept opportunities
tooltip image Automatically accept opportunity from cloud provider
check image
check image
Engagement Score (AWS)
check image
check image
check image
Labra Platform user seats
tooltip image Number of team members with access to the Labra Platform
Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
check image
check image
check image
Google and Microsoft
Google , Microsoft and Custom
Bi-directional automated opportunity syncing
check image
check image
check image
Bi-directional automated lead (AWS) syncing per month
Co-sell events notifications
tooltip image Pro includes reminder notifications and weekly summary, based on sync status with cloud provider.
Real-time Co-sell reporting and analytics
Platform implementation
Slack integration
check image
check image
check image
Customer success manager
check image
Support availability hours
Mon-Fri, 7 AM-4 PM PST
Mon-Fri, 7 AM-4 PM PST
Mon-Fri, 7 AM-4 PM PST
Response time (Mon-Fri)
Within 48 hrs.
Within 24 hrs.
Within 4 hrs.
Communication channels
Email and Online chat
Email and Online chat
Email, Online chat and virtual meeting
Service status notification
tooltip image Includes uptime, degradation, and incident notifications
check image
check image
check image
These optional add-ons can be purchased with an extra cost
tooltip image Support Response time of sandbox related issue is double of the usual response time shown above.
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Additional cloud provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Additional Opportunities created per month (pack of 100)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
check image
Marketo integration
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Labra Co-pilot App for Salesforce
fr image
tooltip image Automatic sync and management of opportunities from your Salesforce CRM.
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
check image
Salesforce Co-pilot App User seats
Additional Salesforce user seats (pack of 5)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Implementation or customization hours
tooltip image Salesforce Co-pilot App Implementation/customization hours per Cloud provider
Additional implementation or customization
tooltip image Additional Hubspot Co-pilot App Implementation/customization available at a fixed hourly fee per Cloud Provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Labra Co-pilot App for HubSpot
fr image
tooltip image Automatic sync and management of opportunities from your Hubspot CRM.
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
check image
Hubspot user seats
Additional Hubspot user seats (pack of 5)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Implementation or customization hours
tooltip image Hubspot Co-pilot App Implementation/customization hours per Cloud provider
Additional implementation or customization
tooltip image Additional Hubspot Co-pilot App Implementation/customization available at a fixed hourly fee per Cloud Provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information

*billed annually

Get both Labra FlyOut and Labra OppSync in a discounted bundled package.

merge image
Labra OppSync
Cloud Co-sell Management
plus image
merge image
Labra FlyOut
Cloud Marketplace Management
Cloud Marketplace Management
Cloud Marketplaces
tooltip image Cloud marketplace of your choice in your selected plan. Additional cloud marketplaces are chargeable available as Add-ons (see below).
fr image fr image fr image
Any 1
Number of listings
Supported listing types
tooltip image Saas, Container or Professional Service. Container listing has extra surcharge
All 3
Branding customization
tooltip image Your Branding customization on Registration landing page and email communication with your customers
Labra Platform user seats
tooltip image Number of team members with access to the Labra Platform
Marketplace revenue
tooltip image Is there any eligibility to have up to this much amount of MRR on that Marketplace to qualify for this plan?
No restriction
Contract renewal
check image
Contract upgrade
check image
Usage metering
tooltip image For SaaS listings, meter based on users, hours, usage, and other custom dimensions.
check image
Buyer insights
check image
Revenue analytics and insights
Marketplace events notifications
tooltip image Pro includes advanced buyer lifecycle event-based notifications.
Platform implementation
Monthly Private offers creation
Monthly Public offers creation
Monthly Channel Partner Private Offers creation
Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
check image
APIs & Webhooks
Slack integration
check image
Customer success manager
Support availability hours
Mon-Fri, 8 AM-4 PM PST
Response time (Mon-Fri)
Within 72 hrs
Communication channels
Service status notification
tooltip image Includes uptime, degradation, and incident notifications
check image
These optional add-ons can be purchased with an extra cost
Usage metering automation (API-based)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Self-hosted registration landing page
tooltip image Simplify new user flow and handle user
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Additional Private offers created per month (pack of 50)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Additional Channel Partner Private offers created per month (pack of 50)
Additional cloud provider
Additional listing
Marketo integration
Labra Co-pilot App for Salesforce
fr image
tooltip image To sync and management of opportunities from your Salesforce CRM.
Salesforce user seats
Additional Salesforce user seats (pack of 5)
Implementation or customization hours
tooltip image Salesforce Co-pilot App Implementation/customization hours per Cloud provider
Additional implementation or customization
tooltip image Additional Salesforce Co-pilot App Implementation/customization available at a fixed hourly fee per Cloud Provider
Labra Co-pilot App for Hubspot
fr image
tooltip image To sync and management of opportunities from your Hubspot CRM.
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Hubspot user seats
Additional Hubspot user seats (pack of 5)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Implementation or customization hours
tooltip image Hubspot Co-pilot App Implementation/customization hours per Cloud provider
Additional implementation or customization
tooltip image Additional Hubspot Co-pilot App Implementation/customization available at a fixed hourly fee per Cloud Provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information

*billed annually

Cloud Marketplaces
tooltip image Cloud marketplace of your choice in your selected plan. Additional cloud marketplaces are chargeable available as Add-ons (see below).
fr image fr image fr image
Any 1
Number of listings
Supported listing types
tooltip image Saas, Container or Professional Service. Container listing has extra surcharge
All 3
Branding customization
tooltip image Your Branding customization on Registration landing page and email communication with your customers
Labra Platform user seats
tooltip image Number of team members with access to the Labra Platform
Marketplace revenue
tooltip image Is there any eligibility to have up to this much amount of MRR on that Marketplace to qualify for this plan?
No restriction
Contract renewal
check image
Contract upgrade
check image
Usage metering
tooltip image For SaaS listings, meter based on users, hours, usage, and other custom dimensions.
check image
Buyer insights
check image
Revenue analytics and insights
Marketplace events notifications
tooltip image Pro includes advanced buyer lifecycle event-based notifications.
Platform implementation
Monthly Private offers creation
Monthly Public offers creation
Monthly Channel Partner Private Offers creation
Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
check image
APIs & Webhooks
check image
Slack integration
check image
Customer success manager
Support availability hours
Mon-Fri, 8 AM-4 PM PST
Response time (Mon-Fri)
Within 48 hrs
Communication channels
Email and Online chat
Service status notification
tooltip image Includes uptime, degradation, and incident notifications
check image
These optional add-ons can be purchased with an extra cost
Usage metering automation (API-based)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Self-hosted registration landing page
tooltip image Simplify new user flow and handle user
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Additional Private offers created per month (pack of 50)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Additional Channel Partner Private offers created per month (pack of 50)
Additional cloud provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Additional listing
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Marketo integration
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Labra Co-pilot App for Salesforce
fr image
tooltip image To sync and management of opportunities from your Salesforce CRM.
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Salesforce user seats
Additional Salesforce user seats (pack of 5)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Implementation or customization hours
tooltip image Salesforce Co-pilot App Implementation/customization hours per Cloud provider
Additional implementation or customization
tooltip image Additional Salesforce Co-pilot App Implementation/customization available at a fixed hourly fee per Cloud Provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Labra Co-pilot App for Hubspot
fr image
tooltip image To sync and management of opportunities from your Hubspot CRM.
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Hubspot user seats
Additional Hubspot user seats (pack of 5)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Implementation or customization hours
tooltip image Hubspot Co-pilot App Implementation/customization hours per Cloud provider
Additional implementation or customization
tooltip image Additional Hubspot Co-pilot App Implementation/customization available at a fixed hourly fee per Cloud Provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information

*billed annually

Cloud Marketplaces
tooltip image Cloud marketplace of your choice in your selected plan. Additional cloud marketplaces are chargeable available as Add-ons (see below).
fr image fr image fr image
All 3
Number of listings
Supported listing types
tooltip image Saas, Container or Professional Service. Container listing has extra surcharge
All 3
Branding customization
tooltip image Your Branding customization on Registration landing page and email communication with your customers
check image
Labra Platform user seats
tooltip image Number of team members with access to the Labra Platform
Marketplace revenue
tooltip image Is there any eligibility to have up to this much amount of MRR on that Marketplace to qualify for this plan?
No restriction
Contract renewal
check image
Contract upgrade
check image
Usage metering
tooltip image For SaaS listings, meter based on users, hours, usage, and other custom dimensions.
check image
Buyer insights
check image
Revenue analytics and insights
Marketplace events notifications
tooltip image Pro includes advanced buyer lifecycle event-based notifications.
Platform implementation
Monthly Private offers creation
Monthly Public offers creation
Monthly Channel Partner Private Offers creation
Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
check image
Google and Microsoft
APIs & Webhooks
check image
Slack integration
check image
Customer success manager
check image
Support availability hours
Mon-Fri, 8 AM-4 PM PST
Response time (Mon-Fri)
Within 24 hrs
Communication channels
Email and Online chat
Service status notification
tooltip image Includes uptime, degradation, and incident notifications
check image
These optional add-ons can be purchased with an extra cost
Usage metering automation (API-based)
check image
Self-hosted registration landing page
tooltip image Simplify new user flow and handle user
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Additional Private offers created per month (pack of 50)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Additional Channel Partner Private offers created per month (pack of 50)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Additional cloud provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Additional listing
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Marketo integration
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Labra Co-pilot App for Salesforce
fr image
tooltip image To sync and management of opportunities from your Salesforce CRM.
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Salesforce user seats
Additional Salesforce user seats (pack of 5)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Implementation or customization hours
tooltip image Salesforce Co-pilot App Implementation/customization hours per Cloud provider
Additional implementation or customization
tooltip image Additional Salesforce Co-pilot App Implementation/customization available at a fixed hourly fee per Cloud Provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Labra Co-pilot App for Hubspot
fr image
tooltip image To sync and management of opportunities from your Hubspot CRM.
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Hubspot user seats
Additional Hubspot user seats (pack of 5)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Implementation or customization hours
tooltip image Hubspot Co-pilot App Implementation/customization hours per Cloud provider
Additional implementation or customization
tooltip image Additional Hubspot Co-pilot App Implementation/customization available at a fixed hourly fee per Cloud Provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information

*billed annually

Cloud Marketplaces
tooltip image Cloud marketplace of your choice in your selected plan. Additional cloud marketplaces are chargeable available as Add-ons (see below).
fr image fr image fr image
All 3
Number of listings
Supported listing types
tooltip image Saas, Container or Professional Service. Container listing has extra surcharge
All 3
Branding customization
tooltip image Your Branding customization on Registration landing page and email communication with your customers
check image
Labra Platform user seats
tooltip image Number of team members with access to the Labra Platform
Marketplace revenue
tooltip image Is there any eligibility to have up to this much amount of MRR on that Marketplace to qualify for this plan?
No restriction
Contract renewal
check image
Contract upgrade
check image
Usage metering
tooltip image For SaaS listings, meter based on users, hours, usage, and other custom dimensions.
check image
Buyer insights
check image
Revenue analytics and insights
Marketplace events notifications
tooltip image Pro includes advanced buyer lifecycle event-based notifications.
Platform implementation
Monthly Private offers creation
Monthly Public offers creation
Monthly Channel Partner Private Offers creation
Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
check image
Google, Microsoft and Custom
APIs & Webhooks
check image
Slack integration
check image
Customer success manager
Support availability hours
Mon-Fri, 8 AM-4 PM PST
Response time (Mon-Fri)
Within 4 hrs
Communication channels
Email, Online chat, and virtual meeting
Service status notification
tooltip image Includes uptime, degradation, and incident notifications
check image
These optional add-ons can be purchased with an extra cost
Usage metering automation (API-based)
check image
Self-hosted registration landing page
tooltip image Simplify new user flow and handle user
check image
Additional Private offers created per month (pack of 50)
check image
Additional Channel Partner Private offers created per month (pack of 50)
check image
Additional cloud provider
check image
Additional listing
check image
Marketo integration
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Labra Co-pilot App for Salesforce
fr image
tooltip image To sync and management of opportunities from your Salesforce CRM.
check image
Salesforce user seats
Additional Salesforce user seats (pack of 5)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Implementation or customization hours
tooltip image Salesforce Co-pilot App Implementation/customization hours per Cloud provider
Additional implementation or customization
tooltip image Additional Salesforce Co-pilot App Implementation/customization available at a fixed hourly fee per Cloud Provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Labra Co-pilot App for Hubspot
fr image
tooltip image To sync and management of opportunities from your Hubspot CRM.
check image
Hubspot user seats
Additional Hubspot user seats (pack of 5)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Implementation or customization hours
tooltip image Hubspot Co-pilot App Implementation/customization hours per Cloud provider
Additional implementation or customization
tooltip image Additional Hubspot Co-pilot App Implementation/customization available at a fixed hourly fee per Cloud Provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information

*billed annually

Cloud Co-sell Management
Cloud provider
tooltip image Co-sell management on any one cloud
check image
, additional cloud provider available as add-ons (see below). Support for Google Cloud coming soon.
fr image fr image fr image
check image
Opportunities created per month
Auto create and auto update
tooltip image When cloud providers send a co-sell opportunity, OppSync automatically converts it into a referral and saves it. Similarly, if any update occurs on that referral, it automatically updates the corresponding opportunity on either side.
check image
Launching opportunity
tooltip image Once a co-sell opportunity gets closed, you can launch it from OppSync only. This elimnates the need to visit the Cloud providers's partner portal.
check image
Auto accept opportunities
tooltip image Automatically accept opportunity from cloud provider
Engagement Score (AWS)
Labra Platform user seats
tooltip image Number of team members with access to the Labra Platform
Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
check image
Bi-directional automated opportunity syncing
check image
Bi-directional automated lead (AWS) syncing per month
Co-sell events notifications
tooltip image Pro includes reminder notifications and weekly summary, based on sync status with cloud provider.
Real-time Co-sell reporting and analytics
Platform implementation
Slack integration
check image
Customer success manager
Support availability hours
Mon-Fri, 7 AM-4 PM PST
Response time (Mon-Fri)
Within 48 hrs.
Communication channels
Email and Online chat
Service status notification
tooltip image Includes uptime, degradation, and incident notifications
check image
These optional add-ons can be purchased with an extra cost
tooltip image Support Response time of sandbox related issue is double of the usual response time shown above.
Additional cloud provider
Additional Opportunities created per month (pack of 100)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Marketo integration
Labra Co-pilot App for Salesforce
fr image
tooltip image Automatic sync and management of opportunities from your Salesforce CRM.
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Salesforce Co-pilot App User seats
Additional Salesforce user seats (pack of 5)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Implementation or customization hours
tooltip image Salesforce Co-pilot App Implementation/customization hours per Cloud provider
Additional implementation or customization
tooltip image Additional Salesforce Co-pilot App Implementation/customization available at a fixed hourly fee per Cloud Provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Labra Co-pilot App for HubSpot
fr image
tooltip image Automatic sync and management of opportunities from your Hubspot CRM.
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Hubspot user seats
Additional Hubspot user seats (pack of 5)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Implementation or customization hours
tooltip image Hubspot Co-pilot App Implementation/customization hours per Cloud provider
Additional implementation or customization
tooltip image Additional Hubspot Co-pilot App Implementation/customization available at a fixed hourly fee per Cloud Provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information

*billed annually

Cloud provider
tooltip image Co-sell management on any one cloud, additional cloud provider available as add-ons (see below). Support for Google Cloud coming soon.
fr image fr image fr image
Any 1
Opportunities created per month
Auto create and auto update
tooltip image When cloud providers send a co-sell opportunity, OppSync automatically converts it into a referral and saves it. Similarly, if any update occurs on that referral, it automatically updates the corresponding opportunity on either side.
Any 1
Launching opportunity
tooltip image Once a co-sell opportunity gets closed, you can launch it from OppSync only. This elimnates the need to visit the Cloud providers's partner portal.
Any 1
Auto accept opportunities
tooltip image Automatically accept opportunity from cloud provider
Any 1
Engagement Score (AWS)
check image
Labra Platform user seats
tooltip image Number of team members with access to the Labra Platform
Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
check image
Google and Microsoft
Bi-directional automated opportunity syncing
check image
Bi-directional automated lead (AWS) syncing per month
Co-sell events notifications
tooltip image Pro includes reminder notifications and weekly summary, based on sync status with cloud provider.
Real-time Co-sell reporting and analytics
Platform implementation
Slack integration
check image
Customer success manager
check image
Support availability hours
Mon-Fri, 7 AM-4 PM PST
Response time (Mon-Fri)
Within 24 hrs.
Communication channels
Email and Online chat
Service status notification
tooltip image Includes uptime, degradation, and incident notifications
check image
These optional add-ons can be purchased with an extra cost
tooltip image Support Response time of sandbox related issue is double of the usual response time shown above.
Additional cloud provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Additional Opportunities created per month (pack of 100)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Marketo integration
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Labra Co-pilot App for Salesforce
fr image
tooltip image Automatic sync and management of opportunities from your Salesforce CRM.
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Salesforce Co-pilot App User seats
Additional Salesforce user seats (pack of 5)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Implementation or customization hours
tooltip image Salesforce Co-pilot App Implementation/customization hours per Cloud provider
Additional implementation or customization
tooltip image Additional Hubspot Co-pilot App Implementation/customization available at a fixed hourly fee per Cloud Provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Labra Co-pilot App for HubSpot
fr image
tooltip image Automatic sync and management of opportunities from your Hubspot CRM.
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Hubspot user seats
Additional Hubspot user seats (pack of 5)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Implementation or customization hours
tooltip image Salesforce Co-pilot App Implementation/customization hours per Cloud provider
Additional implementation or customization
tooltip image Additional Hubspot Co-pilot App Implementation/customization available at a fixed hourly fee per Cloud Provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information

*billed annually

Cloud provider
tooltip image Co-sell management on any one cloud, additional cloud provider available as add-ons (see below). Support for Google Cloud coming soon.
fr image fr image fr image
Any 1
Opportunities created per month
Any 1
Auto create and auto update
tooltip image When cloud providers send a co-sell opportunity, OppSync automatically converts it into a referral and saves it. Similarly, if any update occurs on that referral, it automatically updates the corresponding opportunity on either side.
Launching opportunity
tooltip image Once a co-sell opportunity gets closed, you can launch it from OppSync only. This elimnates the need to visit the Cloud providers's partner portal.
Auto accept opportunities
tooltip image Automatically accept opportunity from cloud provider
Engagement Score (AWS)
check image
Labra Platform user seats
tooltip image Number of team members with access to the Labra Platform
Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
check image
Google , Microsoft and Custom
Bi-directional automated opportunity syncing
check image
Bi-directional automated lead (AWS) syncing per month
Co-sell events notifications
tooltip image Pro includes reminder notifications and weekly summary, based on sync status with cloud provider.
Real-time Co-sell reporting and analytics
Platform implementation
Slack integration
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Customer success manager
Support availability hours
Mon-Fri, 7 AM-4 PM PST
Response time (Mon-Fri)
Within 4 hrs.
Communication channels
Email, Online chat, and virtual meeting
Service status notification
tooltip image Includes uptime, degradation, and incident notifications
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These optional add-ons can be purchased with an extra cost
tooltip image Support Response time of sandbox related issue is double of the usual response time shown above.
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Additional cloud provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Additional Opportunities created per month (pack of 100)
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Marketo integration
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Labra Co-pilot App for Salesforce
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tooltip image Automatic sync and management of opportunities from your Salesforce CRM.
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Salesforce Co-pilot App User seats
Additional Salesforce user seats (pack of 5)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Implementation or customization hours
tooltip image Salesforce Co-pilot App Implementation/customization hours per Cloud provider
Additional implementation or customization
tooltip image Additional Hubspot Co-pilot App Implementation/customization available at a fixed hourly fee per Cloud Provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Labra Co-pilot App for HubSpot
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tooltip image Automatic sync and management of opportunities from your Hubspot CRM.
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Hubspot user seats
Additional Hubspot user seats (pack of 5)
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information
Implementation or customization hours
tooltip image Salesforce Co-pilot App Implementation/customization hours per Cloud provider
Additional implementation or customization
tooltip image Additional Hubspot Co-pilot App Implementation/customization available at a fixed hourly fee per Cloud Provider
tooltip image Paid add-ons, please contact sales team for more information

*billed annually

Get both Labra FlyOut and Labra OppSync in a discounted bundled package.

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Labra OppSync
Cloud Co-sell Management
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Labra FlyOut
Cloud Marketplace Management

Trusted by small to Fortune 100 enterprise companies