The online commerce landscape is undergoing a monumental shift, steering toward a future dominated by Marketplace-Led Growth (MLG). MLG represents an evolution of Product-Led Growth (PLG), emphasizing the pivotal role of cloud marketplaces in driving sales, innovation, and customer success. This blog is an introduction to MLG, the emergence of cloud commerce (cCommerce) as the future, and how Labra, as a multi-cloud cCommerce Platform, is uniquely positioned to champion this transformation for ISVs, SIs, and other cloud partners across AWS, Azure, GCP, and beyond.

The Rise of Marketplace-Led Growth

Marketplace-Led Growth is more than just a buzzword; it’s the evolution of cloud commerce, focusing on leveraging cloud marketplaces to catalyze business growth. The cloud marketplace has become a crucible for innovation, providing a platform for businesses to access myriad cloud solutions, foster partnerships, and drive sales. In this new era, the cloud marketplace is not just a channel but a strategic asset, propelling organizations toward unprecedented growth and success.

Cloud Commerce: The Future is Here

Cloud commerce, or cCommerce, is at the heart of this transformation. It represents a holistic approach to conducting business in the cloud, intertwining sales, marketing, and operations. cCommerce is not confined to transactions; it’s about creating ecosystems, fostering collaborations, and building relationships. The marketplace is the epicenter of cCommerce, serving as a conduit for businesses to connect, collaborate, and co-create value.

Labra: Across the Spectrum of Build-Market-Sell

Labra stands at the forefront of this revolution as a multi-cloud cCommerce Platform, spanning AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. Our platform transcends the conventional boundaries of cloud commerce, covering the entire Build-Market-Sell spectrum. From onboarding customers and ensuring their readiness, to propelling them into the cloud marketplace and establishing co-sell relationships with their preferred cloud provider, the Labra cCommerce Platform is the catalyst for cCommerce excellence.

Experience the Labra cCommerce Platform. 

Onboarding and Cloud Choice

Our commitment to empowering businesses begins with a seamless onboarding process, tailored to meet the unique needs of each customer. Whether it’s AWS, Azure, or GCP, we ensure that our customers are primed and ready to take full advantage of their chosen cloud marketplace. We help you navigate the complexities of cloud readiness, program registration, cloud marketplace prerequisites, and launch, ensuring a smooth transition and a solid foundation for growth.

Marketplace Mastery and Co-Sell Synergy

With the customers onboard and their cloud foundation secure, we propel them into the cloud marketplace. Labra excels in getting listings into cloud marketplaces fast and managing private offers, fostering a seamless integration between the marketplace and our customers’ sales strategies. Our platform ensures that every co-sell opportunity is maximized, creating synergies between our customers and their cloud providers.

CRM Integration: A Seamless Experience

Labra’s commitment to integration extends to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems including Salesforce, Hubspot, ConnectWise, and Microsoft Dynamics, ensuring end-to-end visibility and seamless management of listings and pipeline, regardless of where they reside. Our platform empowers sales teams, providing them with the tools and insights needed to navigate the cloud marketplace, manage transactions (leads, opportunities, offers, and more), and get insights about their sales pipeline all in one place.

Labra and the Future of cCommerce

As we stand on the cusp of a new era in cCommerce, Labra is leading the charge, championing the principles of Marketplace-Led Growth and co-sell excellence. Our multi-cloud cCommerce Platform is not just a solution; it’s your strategic partner, driving innovation, fostering collaborations, and paving the way for unparalleled growth and success in the cloud marketplace. Embrace the future with Labra, and let us guide you through the transformative journey of Marketplace-Led Growth and the boundless possibilities of cloud commerce.

Sign up to book your personalized demo of the Labra cCommerce platform

Credit: Photo by Mike Petrucci 


Product-Led Growth (PLG) centers on the product and how it can drive sales. Marketplace-led Growth (MLG) is a long-term strategy that focuses on building partner alliances and ecosystems to drive a shared vision of sales and growth.

Cloud commerce (cCommerce) is a comprehensive and harmonized journey across all stages of the B2B cloud journey. It starts with becoming cloud marketplace-ready, listing your product and services on a cloud marketplace, and finally co-selling with a cloud provider or hyperscaler to drive cloud revenue.

Any software product that is to be listed on a cloud marketplace (AWS Marketplace, Azure Marketplace, or Google Cloud Marketplace) needs to fulfill certain requirements, such as an architecture review, regulatory compliance such as SOC 2, API integration, and syncing with your sales CRM. The Labra cCommerce Platform provides an end-to-end solution to cover all aspects of listing and selling your software product through a cloud marketplace.

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